
Giving to Trinity is a good thing! In giving, you ...

  • Recognize that God has blessed you with all that you have.

  • Advance the work of God in our community.

  • Exercise your faith acknowledging that God is in control of your finances.

Here are five ways to make sure your financial gift reaches Trinity in a timely and safe manner:

Vanco App

If you have not made a donation online before, it’s a very easy way to give to Trinity. Vanco provides a video that is very helpful.

Online Bill Pay

Set up your one-time or recurring gifts using YOUR bank’s Bill Pay App or Online Banking

Mail Your Check

Trinity Lutheran Church
N60W6047 Columbia Road
Cedarburg, WI 53012

In-Person Giving

Place your gift in an offering envelope provided to Trinity members or a generic envelope found in the pew. Put it in the offering plate during a worship service.

Drop Off Your Gift

A mail slot is located to the left of the Parish hall entrance, or inside during office hours: M-F/8am-12pm
To receive credit for your offering, please provide your full name.

Thank you so much for contributing to God’s work through Trinity, and for supporting ministry in this community and in the world!