Upcoming events

Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

The EPIC churches are once again doing a round-robin for our midweek potluck and service. Come to Trinity at 6pm for a potluck dinner and stay for the 7pm worship service using the beloved Holden Evening Prayer.

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Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

The EPIC churches are once again doing a round-robin for our midweek potluck and service. Come to Faith Lutheran Church at 6pm for a potluck dinner and stay for the 7pm worship service using the beloved Holden Evening Prayer.

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Maundy Thursday Dinner Church

Maundy Thursday Dinner Church

Our journey through the Three Days of Holy Week begins with Maundy Thursday. We gather in the Parish Hall to remember Jesus’ command to love one another, have a simple supper of bread and soup, share communion together, and wash one another’s feet.

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Trinity will be hosting a blood drive through Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin on Saturday, April 26 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Anyone 17 or older (16-year-olds can donate with parental consent) who is in good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to donate blood. By donating just one pint of blood, you have the potential to save up to three lives. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are also welcome. To sign up for your lifesaving appointment, call 1-877-BE-A-HERO, contact Jill Klitz or reserve a spot online.

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Book Group May Meeting: The Great Believers

Book Group May Meeting: The Great Believers

Looking to meet new people and discuss books together? Join us for our next read "The Great Believers" by Rebecca Makkai. We meet at 6:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church’s library.

Have questions? Talk with Pastor Erin!

About The Great Believers:
A dazzling novel of friendship and redemption in the face of tragedy and loss set in 1980s Chicago and contemporary Paris

In 1985, Yale Tishman, the development director for an art gallery in Chicago, is about to pull off an amazing coup, bringing in an extraordinary collection of 1920s paintings as a gift to the gallery. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDS epidemic grows around him. One by one, his friends are dying and after his friend Nico’s funeral, the virus circles closer and closer to Yale himself. Soon the only person he has left is Fiona, Nico’s little sister.

Thirty years later, Fiona is in Paris tracking down her estranged daughter who disappeared into a cult. While staying with an old friend, a famous photographer who documented the Chicago crisis, she finds herself finally grappling with the devastating ways AIDS affected her life and her relationship with her daughter. The two intertwining stories take us through the heartbreak of the eighties and the chaos of the modern world, as both Yale and Fiona struggle to find goodness in the midst of disaster.

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Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

Midweek Lenten Meal & Worship

The EPIC churches are once again doing a round-robin for our midweek potluck and service. Come to Advent Lutheran Church at 6pm for a potluck dinner and stay for the 7pm worship service using the beloved Holden Evening Prayer.

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Midweek Lenten Meal & Service

Midweek Lenten Meal & Service

The EPIC churches are once again doing a round-robin for our midweek potluck and service. Come to Immanuel Lutheran Church at 6pm for a potluck dinner and stay for the 7pm worship service using the beloved Holden Evening Prayer.

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Book Group: Fahrenheit 451

Book Group: Fahrenheit 451

Our shared book club with our Lutheran partner churches will meet and discuss Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. If you’re looking to read more or more widely, if you’ve been in a thousand book clubs or have never been one before, you are welcome.

If you have any questions, please talk with Pastor Erin.

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Midweek Lenten Meal and Worship

Midweek Lenten Meal and Worship

The EPIC churches are once again doing a round-robin for our midweek potluck and service. Come to St. John at 6pm for a potluck dinner and stay for the 7pm worship service using the beloved Holden Evening Prayer.

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Ash Wednesday Soup Supper & Worship

Ash Wednesday Soup Supper & Worship

Join us for the beginning of the season of Lent as we hear God’s call to repentance, receive ashes, and worship together. A soup supper will be served in the Dining Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m., and the worship service will take place in the sanctuary at 7 p.m.

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Book Group Meeting: Project Hail Mary

Book Group Meeting: Project Hail Mary

Join Pastor Erin and a wonderful group of people to read and discuss a book! We meet on the third Monday of odd numbered months.

Our next read will be "Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir and we’ll meet in the library of Faith Lutheran Church.

Join us and bring a friend!

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Longest Night Service

Longest Night Service

Looking for a space to hold the complicated emotions that the holiday season can bring with it? Join us for The Longest Night service, a quiet, contemplative service for anyone experiencing loss, grief, or uncertainty, because the season isn’t always merry and bright.

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Carols and Hymns

Carols and Hymns

The Lutheran churches of Cedarburg and Grafton are once again hosting our Carols and Hymns sing-a-long at Water Street Brewery! Meet old friends (and maybe some new ones) as we enjoy time together singing beloved Christmas carols.
Please RSVP by going to bit.ly/gotell1210

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Community Thanksgiving Eve Meal

Community Thanksgiving Eve Meal

Looking for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings? Come to Trinity’s dining room on Wednesday, November 27 for our annual Community Thanksgiving Eve meal. This meal is for anyone in our Cedarburg-area community and is provided without cost. Come and be fed!

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Book Club: The Other Einstein

Book Club: The Other Einstein

Join Pastor Erin and a wonderful group of people to read and discuss a book! We meet on the third Monday of odd numbered months.

Our next read will be "The Other Einstein" by Marie Benedict. "The Other Einstein offers us a window into a brilliant, fascinating woman whose light was lost in Einstein's enormous shadow. It is the story of Einstein's wife, a brilliant physicist in her own right, whose contribution to the special theory of relativity is hotly debated and may have been inspired by her own profound and very personal insight."

Join us and bring a friend!

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Trinity will be hosting a blood drive through Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Anyone 17 or older (16-year-olds can donate with parental consent) who is in good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to donate blood. By donating just one pint of blood, you have the potential to save up to three lives. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are also welcome. To sign up for your lifesaving appointment, call 1-877-BE-A-HERO, contact Jill Klitz or reserve a spot online.

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Rise Against Hunger Food Pack

Rise Against Hunger Food Pack

At the Rise Against Hunger Food Pack, we’ll pack fortified meals to be sent to people facing hunger across the globe. The meals we packed last year went to feed hungry kids in Nicaragua. We need help with set-up (Friday, Sept. 27, 3-5pm), packing food (there are two shifts on Sept. 28 -- 9-10:30am and 10:30am-noon) and clean-up (Sept. 28, noon-1pm).

There’s no fee to participate, and we welcome donations of any amount to help pay for food and supplies. An online registration form needs to be filled out for each volunteer in advance. (If you’d like to sign up others to come with you, click on “Need to Register Someone Else?” after you’ve submitted your own registration.) To sign up or donate to the food pack, please go to:


For more info, contact Linda in the church office (262-377-0610, office@trinitycedarburg.org) or Jill Klitz. Thank you!

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Outreach for Hope Family Ride Run Walk

Outreach for Hope Family Ride Run Walk

The Outreach for Hope Family Ride Run Walk is a fun and meaningful way to support Southeast Wisconsin ELCA congregations and ministries in neighborhoods of income insecurity. This year’s fundraiser is on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 21 at Grace Lutheran Church in Grafton (715 Sixth Avenue).

There are many ways to participate: a 30- or 14-mile bike ride; a 5K fun run; a 2-mile walk; volunteer opportunities; a fellowship-only option (there will be a lunch for all who register); and an option to register as a virtual participant if you can’t make it on Sept. 21 but would still like to join our team and help fundraise for a very worthy cause.

Go to outreachforhope.org/ride-run-walk for more information about the event, and to join or support Trinity's team. There is no registration fee -- instead, pay what you can at registration, and/or collect donations from others leading up to the event. Every dollar raised supports the work of clothing, feeding and caring for our neighbors in need. Online pre-event registration closes Sept. 16 (after this date, you must register onsite). Please contact Jill Klitz with any questions. Thank you!

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New Book Group: First Meeting

New Book Group: First Meeting

Looking to read more and have a place to discuss with others? Join Pastor Erin and others in the library at Faith Lutheran Church for our first book club meeting. We'll be getting to know one another, enjoy some delicious snacks, and discussing the book "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman.

We'll be meeting on the third Monday of odd numbered months to discuss a book. We'll pick the next book as a group at the end of the evening.

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Ozaukee Food Alliance

Ozaukee Food Alliance

Trinity will be sponsoring the Drive-Up Pantry at the Ozaukee Food Alliance in Saukville on Aug. 22 from 9am-12pm. We are looking for volunteers to help support this event. Please contact Linda in the Trinity office (262-377-0610, office@trinitycedarburg.org) to volunteer.

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Campfire Church

Campfire Church

Join us for a fun, new worship experience! On the lawn near the upper parking lot, we’ll have a bonfire to roast hot dogs and make s’mores, and have a casual, camp-like worship service.

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Trinity will be hosting a blood drive through Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin on Saturday, July 13 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Anyone 17 or older (16-year-olds can donate with parental consent) who is in good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to donate blood. By donating just one pint of blood, you have the potential to save up to three lives. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are also welcome. To sign up for your lifesaving appointment, call 1-877-BE-A-HERO, contact Jill Klitz or reserve a spot online.

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