
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for services. They prepare Communion supplies, take care of the candles, flowers and banners, and coordinate decorating the church for Christmas and Easter. They also provide for services for weddings and baptisms. Volunteers work in pairs, serving for a month at a time.

Chair: Kathy Kallenbach

Card Ministry

Our Card Ministers reach out through the mail to send cards to members who are going through tough times or celebrating a special occasion.

If you're interested in sending cards, please contact Kathy Kallenbach. Also contact Kathy or the church office if you know of someone who could use a card to lift their spirits or share their joy.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour happens September through May after the 9am worship service. It's a great way to gather socially as a congregation and welcome visitors to Trinity! There are two ways to get involved:

  • Make it a habit to be in the dining hall after church for some coffee and treats.

  • Sign up to be the Coffee Hour host for one or more Sundays. Directions and supplies for making coffee are in the kitchen, and you provide the treat. Sign-up sheets are in the dining hall. It's easy and fun!

Coordinator: Donna Kramer

Listed below are various opportunities for ministry and fellowship at Trinity. If you have any questions about these groups, please contact the contact person listed or the church office.

Lay Communion and Homebound Visitation

You can bring the Eucharist to members of our congregation unable to participate in this gift of life. About 12 of Trinity's members are unable to attend regular church services. The visiting lay assistant visits one or more homebound members to administer Communion and enjoy conversation.
A Communion kit and short written service are provided.

Contact Linda in the church office.

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality assist in welcoming visitors with a packet of information.

Coordinator: Julie Ische

Prayer Chain

Prayer is such an integral part of our lives as Christians. In prayer, we bring our thanks, praise, concerns and requests to God, with the promise from Jesus that as we use his name, God is bound to listen and to answer. If you are anxious about anything and feel that additional prayer support would help you, or if your cup is overflowing with blessings and you'd like to offer more than just your own thanks to God, please let the prayer chain know.

These people will pray for you, or for anyone in need, for any concern you have. They don't ask questions, they just raise your petitions to the Lord. If you have a prayer request, please contact Linda in the church office.

A prayer chain is a powerful and effective ministry in which anyone can participate. Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining.


Readers are responsible to read that morning's scripture lesson. Dialogue or dramatic readings are other possible opportunities for members of this team.

Coordinator: Kathy Kallenbach

Sacramental Assistants

Sacramental assistants participate with the pastor in the distribution of Holy Communion. The assistant distributes the wine and has the opportunity to lead the congregation in two prayers. A short training session is provided.

Coordinator: Julie Ische


Trinity has five teams of ushers that carry out the ushering duties at worship services. Ushering opportunities are available for everyone, from high-school youth, singles, couples or families. Additional ushers are always welcome!

Coordinator: Rich Weber

Softball Team

Trinity's softball team participates in Cedarburg's Church Softball League. Games are Thursday nights at various times, May through August, in the ballpark across from Cedar Creek Park. Participation is open to members (both men and women) from high school age on up. Fans are needed also to cheer our team on!

Contact people: Nick Wood and Paul Dunfee