Chapel Choir
Anyone who loves to sing and can carry a tune is welcome — from high school age on up. Through music, we joyfully express our faith and strengthen our spiritual life. Chapel Choir sings for services about two Sundays per month, and participates in Christmas Eve, Holy Week and Easter Sunday services.
Director: Ingrid Pierson
Please contact Ingrid if you're interested in the following opportunities to share your musical talent with Trinity:
Summer Choir: Anyone is welcome to sing in an ad hoc choir once a month during the summer months. If you've been mildly curious about what it would be like to sing in a choir, this is your chance to give it a try.
Trinity Brass and Instrumentalists: Do you play an instrument? Share your talent during worship! The Trinity Band, in various combinations of instruments, plays for Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, the outdoor service in August, and for other services such as the Sunday before Memorial Day and Reformation Sunday.
Special Music: There are many opportunities for soloists and instrumentalists to participate during worship services throughout the year.
Handbell Choir
Join us in ringing our praise to God! Musical background is helpful. One should be willing to commit to regular attendance at rehearsals. Handbells strive to play a Sunday service monthly, as well as participate in special services (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter).
Director: Deb Donovan