“But we had hoped…”

Luke's Gospel tells the story of two followers of Jesus walking the road to Emmaus, hearts heavy. They had seen the one they had hoped would be their salvation executed by the government a few days before. But on their way, they encounter someone walking the same way as them, and they stay together the rest of the day. They tell this stranger the horrible things that had happened over the last week, and that their disappointed hopes. It's only when this stranger breaks bread with them that their eyes are opened and they see that it was Jesus that was with them all along, accompanying them in their grief and uncertainty.

The Road to Emmaus (as this story is called) is one of my favorite Easter stories. Not because of the dramatic reveal of Jesus, but because of the raw honesty of the two disciples: "But we had hoped." How often have we felt the sting of disappointed hopes, of dreams deferred? When we're in those places, being told to "buck up, buttercup" or to "look on the bright side" often rings hollow. When the disciples tell the truth about their disappointment and their grief, Jesus... just stays with them. He listens and doesn't scold them for a lack of faith. Jesus goes on to explain the scriptures to them, but first... God listens.

What true thing might you need to say today? What feels too heavy and difficult to bear? Where has life not worked out quite the way you had hoped?

God, you walk beside us, accompanying us in all the heights and depths of life. Give us courage to tell you the truth of what we had hoped for that never came, letting you hold us in your love and care. Amen.


For you


On Tradition