For you
“Given and shed for you”
Whenever we gather for worship, we share communion together. One of my favorite parts of being a pastor is getting to consecrate and distribute communion. In part because of the words that are said when communion is handed out. "The Body of Christ, given for you," "the blood of Christ, shed for you." It's those two words at the end-- for you. Not for people in general, but for you and for me, specifically.
Sometimes we can get caught up in the idea of God's love and forgiveness being for everyone (which it is) and thinking about how God sends us out to be God's hands and feet in the world (which God does), that we sometimes gloss over the particularity of that love and care. But the words we hear when we receive communion tell us, over and over again, that God's love and forgiveness and care that is all packed in the small wafer and few drops of wine or juice, is for you, in particular, on this day and time, in this place.
Where have you noticed God’s love and grace for you today? Where, in this specific place and time, have you felt loved and cared for, no matter what you have done (or not done)?
Just as you come near to us in simple bread and wine, draw near to us in the everyday-ness of our lives, Lord. Amen.